Part SixAbout LisaI met Lisa about three years ago. Since that time I have been to Lisa's home and have met her family. We have been corresponding with one another for over two years and share information, not only about our abduction experiences but also about our pets and gardening. Lisa and I have a lot in common with one another, but we are also two very different people. In 1994, the late Dr. Karla Turner wrote about some of Lisa's experiences in her book Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda. Turner's introduction to Lisa follows: "A thirty-five-year-old wife and mother of two children, Lisa and her husband Neal have lived in southern Alabama for the past fifteen years. Her medium build and thick brown hair reflect her ancestry of Italian and Scotch-Irish. To all outward appearances, Lisa's life seems quite normal. While her husband works at a good job in heavy industry, Lisa takes care of her home and children, involved in the usual activities of a family with teenagers, and she enjoys gardening as well as more strenuous outdoor activity." [18] I have read hundreds of pages from Lisa's hand-written journals and I feel it is important to share some information that has occurred since Karla wrote about Lisa and the other seven women in Taken. I am extremely grateful to Lisa for allowing me to share her information with you. It is not often that I come across someone with Lisa's references, who is willing to share such personal and dramatic information about the government's apparent involvement in their life.
Helicopter Activity Over the two to three years that I've known Lisa, she has often complained about the unusual air traffic that occurs over her house and property. When I was at her house I heard some helicopter traffic, and I remember going outside and wishing she had a camera handy because I wanted to take a picture of the helicopter flying overhead. I found it curious that there would be so much air traffic in her particular location. Since that visit, Lisa has often repeated her comments about how some of the helicopters and planes fly so low that they shake the windows in her house. Since I used to live near a military base I know how low a plane needs to be to shake the windows on a newer house such as the home Lisa and Neal live in. At my request, Lisa sent me some photographs of the more recent air traffic over her house. A short summary follows: There is one 1994 photograph of a fixed-wing aircraft over Lisa's house that looks similar to a C-130 transport. Four of the clearest photographs include a 1995 photo of a helicopter over Lisa's yard in which you can see two (possibly three) rotor blades. There is a 1996 photograph of the same type of fixed-wing aircraft as 1994, flying at a higher altitude over Lisa's house, and another 1996 photograph of a helicopter flying at a higher altitude behind a TV antenna. In this picture you can see four rotor blades. There is also a third photograph of the fixed-wing aircraft flying about as low as the 1994 photo and it looks to be the same type of plane again. And, there is a 1995 photograph of another helicopter, but it is too far away to see clearly. Then there are eleven photographs from 1996, of helicopters flying in various positions in the sky above or near Lisa's house. Three photographs were taken on the same February day in 1996, during extremely hazy or foggy weather conditions. In one of these you can make out four rotor blades. The helicopter is flying lower than the 1996 helicopter, but higher than the 1995 helicopter. If I were to have this type of air traffic over my house, it would be extremely unusual and disconcerting. I find it very odd that Lisa's house (or Lisa herself) apparently has the attention of one of our branches of the military. It is difficult to differentiate the particular branch since the helicopters are dark and appear to be unmarked. [19] Lisa also sent some photographs of the bruises and marks that are left behind after her experiences. These photographs show large, purple and blue (and probably painful) bruises. I am aware that people bruise differently, but at least one of these bruises looked quite serious and very painful. The photographs document a fraction of the bruising I read about in Lisa's journal. Many times after her encounters, Lisa awakens with dark bruises in different locations on her body. There are several photographs of Lisa's yard as well. When I was visiting Lisa, I immediately realized that she is as meticulous at keeping her yard as I am. The photographs show a nice green lawn, but with circular brown marks that form a triangle formation in the grass. It's difficult to say what these are or how they were formed without analysis, but they are curious because they appeared after an abduction encounter. Finally, there is a "before" and "after" picture of her dog. This unfortunate family member is suffering from a serious skin disease that Lisa's veterinarian cannot identify. Lisa also told me that her dog's coat (or skin), had a hand print with a triangle inside of it, but it wasn't clear enough for me to see in the photograph. I could see that her dog had lost most of her fur and there was a dark pattern of some type on her skin, but I could not make out the complete triangle. However, the photograph does show that there is an unusual mark on her dog.
The Abductions Lisa's abduction experiences cover some of the events that a few researchers have published as a more standard abduction scenario. Lisa has seen different types of aliens including what seem to be a somewhat caring, albeit manipulative group of Beings she calls "The Old Ones." Lisa has been through physical examinations and what might be considered experimentation, as well as the sexual component of abductions. This sexual component to Lisa's abductions has a brutal side to it more akin to rape than sexual intercourse. This is an aspect of her case that I find quite disturbing and difficult to read about. Lisa has interacted with the Greys, Reptilians, and other humanoid types of Beings. There is one group that seems adamant about getting her to separate from her husband Neal. They are constantly tormenting her with phrases like, "You are not mated with the correct mate," and "We have a better mate for you." A demonstration of the highly manipulative behavior of some of the alien Beings. What I will concentrate on for the remainder of Part Six of Project Open Mind are Lisa's experiences involving military personnel and other official looking people. All abduction-related memories covered in this project were remembered consciously and were not retrieved (or recovered) by the use of hypnosis. For at least two years now, Lisa has reported hearing a signal she describes as Morse code. She almost always reports this "Morse code" sound in her left ear usually just before and after an abduction encounter. Lisa also reports an intermittent humming sound in both ears. Sometimes these sounds become very difficult for her to deal with day after day, but they do eventually subside. The following is an example of one of Lisa's non-alien abductions. Notice the difference between the surroundings she describes and the surroundings normally described by abductees during alien encounters. "I woke up and found myself on a medical table in a real small white brick walled room helping a black man, who looked like an orderly in a hospital, put a device on my left arm that looked like a blood pressure device. Then I looked over at a black woman on another table who was dead or unconscious, with her mouth wide open. She looked between forty and fifty years old. The next thing I remember is, it seemed like I was being pushed through double metal doors. Then I go blank." The next day Lisa found nickel sized bruises on the front portion of her left leg and said that the inside of her thighs were sore. During an alien abduction, the abductee normally describes a white "round" room, not a brick room. Aliens also do not use blood pressure equipment on abductees. Also unusual are the "double metal doors" which I similarly described in Part Five in the example I gave when I had my memory pathways stimulated. Lisa's surroundings in this experience, including the human orderly, are not alien, but rather, terrestrial. As I was reviewing Lisa's journal, I found it interesting that on one August night in 1993, Lisa had an alien encounter only to be followed the next night by a military encounter. The first night Lisa had what she called a "dream" of traveling in a space ship with a Grey alien. The Being was telepathically instructing her how to maneuver around objects. The Grey told Lisa that the craft could sense objects and trouble and maneuver around them. The following night Lisa had another "dream." Lisa writes, "I was being interrogated by the military and pushed around. I was on the ground with my hands on the back of my head, with a gun pushing [on me] and holding me down. Men in green military clothes were asking questions, while men in black military clothes were standing in the background by military vehicles. They kept saying over and over, to give them the knowledge, and they said at any I understand? At any cost?" That is where Lisa's memory ended. Lisa wrote in her journal that she couldn't figure out what it was the military men wanted to know. During another experience on December 17, 1993, Lisa remembers lying on a table or a stretcher and being pushed down a hallway that was lit with bright lights. Someone was quickly strapping her feet down with Velcro straps. Something was inserted into her left ear and she passed out. Her next memory was of being with men she somehow knew were with the FBI. One of the agents called her by her maiden name. Lisa said the man, "was real mean to me." The next day Lisa's left ear was very sore and her throat hurt when she would swallow. Just two days later Lisa wrote again about these same men in her journal. Rather than experiencing another encounter, I believe Lisa remembered more about what occurred two nights previously on the 17th and that her memories surfaced in a dream. Lisa thinks she is talking to some Japanese men and then she writes, "all of the sudden I'm surrounded by military men in Black clothes" and some other military "men dressed in green." Lisa was being forced to walk very quickly across the grounds of a compound or an installation of some type. "The soldiers were rude to me," Lisa said. "I told them to stop pushing on me. I was very irritated by them. Then we went into an office of some type...A man was sitting behind the desk." Lisa said the man was wearing solid green military type clothing but had no name tag or medals on. Lisa continues, "He started asking me questions about what I felt about the aliens. It seemed like he was wondering how to get the public prepared. I told him that a lot of the public was already aware and some would never accept it." Lisa said they continued to talk for a while about politics and religion and that the man "looked bewildered and concerned" and she felt as if this man believed the alien issue had gotten out of control. The following year in 1994, Lisa had a "flash memory" while she was awake: "It was the large heavy-set military man who I've seen before. He was telling me that I was the 'key to understanding.' He was saying it's in my head and it had to be unlocked and that I belonged to the government. Also, men in green military clothes were standing beside me with a gun [or guns] and I thought there were some men in black uniforms behind me. I remember standing up and then being made to sit in an old wooden chair in a concrete floored room. He wore green military clothes and kept tapping me with his fingers on the front and sides of my head, like he was frustrated with me." Toward the end of 1994, I came across something else very interesting in Lisa's journal. I remembered Lisa telling me about this experience when I was speaking at a conference in the South, but we didn't have much privacy or the time to go into much detail about it. In Lisa's words, then: "There's some name of an Air Force Base of either Langdon or Langley...I was being taken to in Virginia. I remember seeing it briefly on some wooden crates and also thought someone mentioned it. I might be wrong, but I think I got there by an underground shuttle. I thought I was in a tunnel cave. I know military men were escorting me - thought other people were being taken too, but I seemed to not care." "Next, I recall I'm walking fast with men around me. I thought [I saw] green clothes and I'm sure black too. They looked like 'all American looking guys.' Off to my left were very tall wooden crates and [I was] able to see that much of the name - [Langdon or Langley]...The next feeling is, I'm being spoken to. Then a scene exploded in my son was laying dead, and I remember saying out loud... "God gave me this child, you had no right to do this..." I asked Lisa if she knew what was located in Langley, Virginia. Lisa had a rather blank look on her face and said, no, that she thought it was an Air Force Base. Langley, Virginia is where the CIA has their main base of operations. The CIA also has a (newer) facility in McLean, Virginia, which is not very far from Langley. During my research for more information about Langley, Virginia, I noticed that my Rand McNally Map Book did not have Langley listed in the index or on the map for the state of Virginia. Fortunately, I was eventually able to locate both cities on a 1996 map published by a different map company. I was able to determine that Lisa is correct. There is a "Langley Air Force Base" in Hampton, Virginia. Adjacent to the base is a government research lab and research center named "NASA - Langley Research Center." In addition, there is also a "Fort Langley" located in British Columbia, Canada, and a city in Washington named "Langley." I was also able to find references to several underground installations in Virginia. According to Dr. Richard Sauder, author of Underground Bases and Tunnels, there is one underground facility operated by the Army in Warrenton, Virginia; another underground facility operated by DOD, the Department of Defense, under the Pentagon, and another underground facility operated by the Navy in Sugar Grove, West Virginia. Incidentally, the directive of this Naval facility, "is to spy on microwave communications traffic for the National Security Agency (NSA)." That includes the communications of ordinary American citizens. [20] Since underground facilities have been constructed for the Army, the Pentagon, and the NSA, there is good reason to assume there is an underground facility in Langley, Virginia, and that it probably extends under "Dolly Madison Boulevard" to the city of McLean and under the CIA's newer facility.
Code Names In 1996, Lisa revealed something else very unusual in her journal. Lisa wrote that she had very fast paced dreams one night and that she came out of one dream feeling as if she had remembered more than she should have: the name, "Ortega." Lisa believes there is something very important associated with the word "Ortega." Later that same month Lisa wrote, "I slept like a ton of bricks hit me, but I still feel exhausted." She said that she remembered something about time travel and a name that she described in her journal as a code name: "Sir Lancelot." In one of several letters to me Lisa shared what she believes are two more code names that she has overheard during her military encounters: "Top Shelf" and "Top Hat." In another recent letter to me she wrote, "I just wanted to tell you about another abduction - saw the word "JAGNUS" on a piece of paper - it was shown to me by a man..." Equally extraordinary is the following paragraph quoted from another letter I received from Lisa after she told me about the code words: "When I'm abducted by the government and go into buildings I'm handed a plastic card about the size of a credit card with little slots. I insert it into a steel door and I gain access. Can't remember more, but the card is called a key."
Programming The idea that people can be programmed to commit acts they would not ordinarily do, is not new. A similar idea was brought to public attention in the late fifties in Richard Condon's The Manchurian Candidate. In the late sixties and early seventies, several new books were published on the subject of mind control and behavior modification, many of which you have just read about in the first half of Project Open Mind. Two notable books are Operation Mind Control and The Control of Candy Jones. [21] The similarities between what some alien abductees report and what victims of mind control report are intriguing. For example, In Operation Mind Control, Walter Bowart writes: "So Condon was right. In their sleep, the memories of atrocities surface to vivid awareness among the victims of mind control. Night after night, terrible images, suppressed by deeply conditioned responses, emerge as terrifying nightmares. Are they mythological? The stuff of dreams? Or are they recovered memories?" [22] Below is a small sample of the memories that Lisa has had related to her abductions. I think everyone will agree that these have little to do with aliens and UFOs (as we have come to know them through the abduction literature), and probably more to do with mind and behavior control.
It is difficult to say what Lisa is being conditioned or programmed to do in the future, or if this really is programming and not more alien manipulation. Personal reports and eyewitness testimony do not "prove" anything, but the witnesses should be listened to and their words carefully studied. In her journal, Lisa relays her fears of a future war and of the persecution of abductees. I, too, have been led to believe this is what is going to occur in my future. Why would aliens or even a secret government agency want us to feel this way? Importantly, what if the events that Lisa and I, and others like us are remembering, are unintentional leaks?
Living With the Pain One of the many disturbing things about the events Lisa has endured are the physiological and psychological effects of her abduction experiences. Lisa is being treated for chronic back problems which are worsened by her abduction experiences, particularly those during which she is "roughed up." Lisa often reports deep bruising on her arms and legs, along with migraine headaches after many of her experiences. Sometimes, after an abduction, Lisa will sketch pictures of the unusual marks left behind. For example, very small bruise-like dots patterned in a perfect square formation, or the same type of dots in triangle formations, sometimes two triangles side by side. Lisa often reports beginning her period early and other vaginal bleeding after an encounter; along with diarrhea, pain in her kidneys, rectum, and "female areas." Lisa also has difficulty making eye contact with strangers because she is not allowed that luxury during her encounters, often being commanded to keep her head down. She has even resorted to tying herself (arm or hand) to her bed or to her husband at night hoping this will prevent her from being taken. Many times after her abductions she is untied. Lisa has also written about the times when she awakened to find grass, leaves and even mistletoe in her bed the next morning, and once she even discovered grass in her underwear the morning following an encounter. She has reported seeing vans slow down in front of her house as if someone were looking for something. There have been times when I was speaking to Lisa on the phone and her phone began to make clicking sounds and unusual echoing sounds. Lisa has also told me about having conversations with people during which the transmission cuts off intermittently, and sometimes she can hear someone else breathing in the background. Lisa has had her life threatened during her encounters, as well as the lives of her husband, children and pets. On January 9, 1995, Lisa was told "by shadows standing around the room" that it was dangerous for people to know her and dangerous for Kandy to associate with her. In her journal, Lisa sadly relates that it was exactly one year to the day that she was told this, when Karla Turner died. Most of Karla's friends knew her as Kandy. Now that Karla is unfortunately no longer with us, I seem to have become someone these Beings or people now use to manipulate Lisa with. As difficult as her experiences are for her, she refuses to give up. Lisa's strength is a testimony to all victims, whether they are alien abductees or mind control victims. She told me recently that no matter what "they" did to her, she was not going to stop being a Christian. "Everyone has something they are willing to give their life for," Lisa relayed to me, "and I guess this is one of those things." # # # Project Open Mind continues with Part Seven titled Some Of Them Were Military. The next section covers information pertaining to my own experiences involving underground and above ground facilities, and military and other official looking personnel. ©1993-1996 Katharina Wilson. All Rights Reserved. Puzzle Publishing, PO Box 230023, Portland, Oregon, 97281-0023, USA. The preceding is reproduced with permission of the Author. Permission is given to reproduce and redistribute in printed form, for non-commerical purposes only, provided the information and the copy remain intact and unedited. |
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